Content To BE Overwhelmed

This post is from a couple of years ago.  

Today I am joining friends over at The Loft for a Link-Up.  
Our Word today is Contentment.  Will you join us?

Today, I should be doing yard work, house work... there is much to be done.  I am overwhelmed at the thought of how far behind I have gotten over the last several years. 


To the point of distraction.  I can't seem to accomplish anything. This reminds me, just now, of Jesus' words to Martha.  "you are worried and distracted by many things." 

I want to choose the "better" that he said of Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus. I want to be contentedly overwhelmed by Jesus.  And I want to be overwhelming content in His presence.

So... I am.

I am sitting under the oak tree here in our yard.  I am not thinking of all the work I still need to do to make this the space I dream it to be.  I am simply enjoying the moment.

Emma is in the grass on her blanket, enjoying the sun and fresh air.
Birds singing all around. Children voices at recess nearby at school.
A lady bug on the arm of the chair where I am sitting.  An inch-worm just crawled by.
A red bird landed on a nearby branch and the leaves of the tree are clapping their hands.

And these words come to me from a heart that is thankful to just BE.

All Creatures of our God and King,
Arise to sing and joyfully sway
to the rhythm of praise and excellent joy.

Life lived well is a life lived as it was created to BE.

So do I, my God and King.
Arise to sing and joyfully BE
the LIFE you've created for me.

I will stand in awe of your excellent ways
Trusting you for all of my days.

The Word. Worship. Prayer.
These are my Roots.

You can also read great words at these blogs:

When God Forgives, It Is More Lavishly Than Expected

Canva Design/De Anna Morris

There was an occasion a few years ago when it came to my attention that my actions, though well intended, had offended caused an extended family member to respond in an extremely angry way.  

This loved one ignored my attempts for communication until I was finally able to faced them in an attempt to humble myself seeking their forgiveness. My desire to demonstrate kindness toward yet another family member had sparked a storm of anger, resentment and bitter words.

When I sought to apologize and make the relationship right, I received a contemptuous, red-faced reaction that caught me off guard with my loved one, a professing Christ Follower.  I don’t remember ever being spoken to with such malicious, anger and spewing of bitterness and rage.  

Nothing I said would diffuse the moment of intensity.  I begged forgiveness, but it was not extended.

While my heart was wounded and broken by the ordeal, I went before the Lord to seek His forgiveness for my wrongdoing.  According to His Word, He forgave me and assured me I had done what is taught in the Word and I felt no conviction in regard to the honest, integrity of kindness my heart feels toward each of my loved ones.  I was simply caught between a web of deceit, manipulation and pride between the other two.

God’s forgiveness is always lavish, full of mercy, love and grace.  

When God forgives, it is more than scraping up compassion from a place of disregard for us.  He is known for His great compassion and mercy and longs to show kindness toward us.  1First John 1:9 tells us if we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. Psalm 103:12 reminds us he removes our sin as far as the east is from the west. Hebrews 8:13 states He remembers them no more.  What a God!

Canva Design/De Anna Morris

Not only does He forgive, He does not hold a grudge or offense toward us.  He does not stay mad or keep us on the hook.  

When it comes to forgiveness, Psychology Today says:

 "...the nature of forgiveness is “Mustering up genuine compassion for those who have wronged us, instead of allowing anger toward them to eat away at us.”

Canva Design/De Anna Morris
I am thankful that God never has to “muster up the courage” to forgive.  He has already done the finished work of forgiveness at the cross.  It is simply ours for asking and receiving.

I had to choose to rest in His embrace of grace even when my loved one could not muster up the courage to let go of an offense, choosing instead to hold a grudge, pretending the angry, ugly encounter never happened.  

There is still an uncertainty in this relationship.  I am never sure of where I stand.  However, I am confident that I stand before God as His beloved daughter, fully loved, fully graced and forgiven.

Forgiveness doesn’t make what someone did to us OK. Forgiveness makes us OK and sets us free from the poison of bitterness.


Who is in need of your forgiveness today? 
Just as you have been forgiven, do the same, will you do the same?

This post is also featured at Ask God Today Ministries where you will find encouragement and truth for daily living.

Healthy You!

Here we are at the beginning of a New Year and everyone is making the same resolve they did last year. Myself included.
Did you achieve your goals of health and wellness last year? 

I didn’t either. You are not alone.

So, I find myself wondering why I can’t seem to care for my body, the place where the Spirit of the Living God lives inside me allowing me to move and breathe and have my being?

Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself,  for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

I could list out for you all of my excuses, but realistically speaking, there are none that you haven’t heard or even have yourself and the bottom line (no pun intended...) is there is no excuse when it comes to taking care our bodies to the best of our abilities.

We are living in a culture that bombards us with the best health and fitness options, equipment, exercises, diet plans and resources all promising the same thing… fast, easy weight loss!!!

News Flash: Nothing is for free and none of these gimmicks work. If they did, there would not be a new product, advertisement, program and plan every other day!!!

You know I’m right. I know I’m right. So what do we do?

I have been thinking about my own health and wellness goals. My goal is simple:

Live Life Well, while I am LIVING.

Live Well. Be Well. But how?

May I offer 3 easy steps that will revolutionize your whole approach to your own goals of health? Get ready. This will blow your mind.

Healthy You_3 Easy Stepy

That’s it. The end.

I believe when I approach health and wellness from the mindset of one who has been given one life to live and God desires for me to honor Him and serve Him faithfully until He calls me home, I will stop participating in unhealthy habits and begin to embrace healthy ones... and I will stop procrastinating!

This is what I believe.
This is not how I have been living.

Thankfully, God gives grace and mercy and renews my heart, soul, mind and strength with His Word.

So I am offering this idea to you and I am taking my own advice this New Year!!!

I will invest in quality time in the Word of God and will ask Him to teach me wisdom in the secret places of my heart so that I can walk out this life that I have been given to the best of my ability in His strength. As an overflow, I plan to honor Him in the area of my health and wellness beginning with these 3 Easy Steps.

Here’s to your health!!!

This post originally posted on Ask God Today Ministries where I write from time to time.

Live in Faith Everyday

Canva Design/De Anna Morris

A few years ago, my friend, Donna, introduced me to the concept of ONE WORD as a focus for an entire year! 

I was not in a good place at the time. I wanted my One Word to be

"Lord, I am sick of this season and I need you to change something before I loose my mind and do something weird!" 

Not really ONE WORD, I know, but life can be challenging at times.  I was over my challenge limit, or so I thought... until the Lord began to slowly and surely lead me through a valley of the shadow until I could lift my head on the other side of despair. 
Maybe you've been there too? 
The first ONE WORD that the Lord led me to during the season of darkness was COMPLETE. 
 Let perseverance finish its work so that
you may be
mature and complete,
not lacking anything.
James 1:4
I wanted a quick fix, however, I realized perseverance was the key and faith was at stake... I pressed on and into the Word of God and cannot tell you how amazing and tender He was to me during that time.  At the end of the year, Mike and I attended a Christmas service and the Lord whispered to my heart.
So you also are complete
through your union with Christ,
who is the head over every ruler and authority 
Colossians 2:10

Don't you love How gentle the Lord is? Even though He was reminding me that He was in charge and I am not, that I am called to trust His authority over me, He has already made me complete in Christ.

One Word themes of the last few years:


This year, 2016, my ONE WORD is LIFE.  The Lord kept bringing the word LIFE to me during the last few months of 2015.  I have been asking Him to renew my soul and spirit along with a desire to be healthy and well.  Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength. 

I want to live well while living.

This will come as I allow His word at work in me to restore, heal and mend the broken places.  A work that will not be always pleasant but will be for my good in order to Complete the work  am Chosen to accomplish. As I Rest in His Word and Trust in His plan, true health and wellness will come and my LIFE will be abundant and vibrant.

The plan is simple. 

Live in Faith Everyday. 

Oh, how easily I complicate things! 

What is your ONE WORD this year?

You can join me and a group of bloggers over at The Loft to find courage, inspiration and hope. Please stop by and say hello!

Grace Goals_Arabah Joy_Affiliate Link

Happy New Year! {Grace Goals}

Grace Goals_Arabah Joy_Affiliate Link

I just took down my Christmas Tree and decorations and I'm making plans to do some serious cleaning out and cleaning up during the month of January.  Trust me when I say that it will take me a month to get everything clean, neat and organized.  

Ask me if I get everything done before I get creative and procrastinate on other projects and fail to finish what I start on them too. It happens! 

AHHH… it’ that time of year. Time to reflect on what is not working and what needs to change. 

I am not making a New Years Resolution this year.  I haven’t made one for many years since I tend to set unrealistic goals or make plans to achieve lofty ambitions, but fail to follow through with the discipline required to accomplish them.

That is why I will be using a resource by a blogger that I follow, Arabah Joy.

Arabah is a missionary serving incognito somewhere in Asia who is a beautifully gifted encourager, writer, and inspiration.  If you do not follow her, you should!

She has written a resource called GRACE GOALS and I am super excited to get started!!!  

You see, I am very good at setting goals and making plans of great things to achieve… but I lack discipline.

I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow.~Scarlett O’Hara

I’ve never been good at sticking to a rules oriented approach of discipline.  There is always something better that comes along to distract me from self-sacrifice in order to reach the finish line of success. I need some boundaries.

 I need structure that is grace filled and fulfilling. 

I am inviting you to join me on a journey of Grace Goals.  
I just purchased my copy and you can follow my affiliate link here* to get yours too. The cost is $15. 

Arabah Joy has created a simple, realistic approach to goal setting with workshops and social media groups to help along the way.  

I am excited to get started on this journey of 2016 and all that God has in store… He has been faithful to me and I plan to show up and be counted for the plans He has for me.

You too?  Will you join me?

 "to bring to fruition your every desire for goodness… according to the grace of our Godand the Lord Jesus Christ.” II Thess. 1:11-12 NIV

If you are like Me and the Apostle Paul, we desire to do good, but don’t often do what we plan. 

Somewhere in the middle of our desire for godliness and holiness and our messy lives is a place of grace.  His Name is Jesus. 

You can purchase your copy of Grace Goals here through my affiliate link*.  

**I will receive a small compensation for endorsing this product, if purchased via my affiliate link. I do not endorse products or service that I do not fully believe in.

Happy New Year!!! And May His Grace be With you!!!

Arabah Joy_Grace Goals_Affiliate LinkGrace Goal_Arabah Joy_Affiliate Link