[Colossians] The Gospel of Grace

Colossians _A Casual Study of the Gospel of Grace

I have been praying fervently for a loved one.  It’s a complicated story, but my fear is that my loved one has a form of godliness but not a true salvation of soul.  I have been devastated and hurt deeply by this person whom I love.  Yet, love does.  It loves.  It is patient and kind and keeps no record of wrong.  Easier said than done, but choosing to forgive-and praying for healing and salvation and grace and blessings- is just that. A choice.

Grace is a Free Gift.  Grace is Jesus.  But we must choose Grace.

In my season of prayer for my loved one, I had a very vivid and emotional dream in which this loved one and I were talking about grace.  My loved one insisted that they knew what grace is but could not articulate clearly; said they didn’t need to be able to tell me about grace.... 

OH, but I want them to know the ONE called GRACE and how HIS WORD is filled with love not strife and bitterness, envy rage and malice. 

In the dream, when asked what the Bible says, my loved one said they didn’t need to know what the Bible said to understand grace.  My question to them in my dream was “what does Colossians say?” and I pressed forward with the Holy Book in my hand asking, "what does it say??"

My dream concluded with a deep sobbing and despair of heart just as I awoke and wondered if I had cried out loud in the night.  It was that vivid and real.  And heavy on my heart and mind all of that morning. 

I won’t pretend to be someone who dreams “dreams” or has prophetic visions.  There were some things in my dream that were just plain out of real life in my “now” season-things heavy on my heart and soul.  So I guess my mind was simply re-playing over and again the concerns that I have in my waking hours.

When I began my prayer time that morning, The Gospel of Grace and the book of Colossians is what stood out from my dream.  So I went for the book of Colossians and to read through. Asking myself, "What does it say?"

I decided to not let what God reveals to me go to waste in the dark corners of my mind and heart… I will not read every line with seeking what to say to my loved one, but will ask God what He will say to me.  I will not give in to despair over my loved one; I will not give up praying for them. I will give them up to Jesus who knows each heart fully, completely and loves more freely and unreservedly than I could ever hope.

As it happened, Mike has agreed to read through and discuss his insight with me as he prays with me over the loved one who is important to me. So you will see his thoughts woven through out this simple study.  

Mike Morris is a man of Grace.  He has received and he freely gives grace. I you know him at all, this you can agree on.  Grace fills his life.  It is his call.

This is a casual study.  Casual.  I am no theologian or seminary graduate.  I am simply praying and asking that God would teach me by His Holy Spirit and to guide me as I continue to pray during this season.  Will you join me? 

Do you need the Gospel of Grace? Are you, too, praying for a loved one to know the Gospel of Grace?  Let’s do this together.

Feel free to message me or post your thoughts and comments. 

We are discussing The Gospel of Grace so be grace-filled and loving if you post or comment.


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