Curious Faith

 Available on Amazon.    
“What feels like drowning at age nineteen so often can’t even compare to the ways we gasp for air later in life.” #CuriousFaith

I want to invite you into a story.  The story of a life where you are encouraged to ask questions, to stop and gaze, marvel, wonder, be inspired. A story that is tragic, beautiful, agonizing and wondrous all at the same time, yet in different seasons. 

Logan Wolfram has written her story in a charming and challenging way that causes the reader to embrace her down to earth wit and sarcasm and good friend personality. Life is messy and she doesn’t mind telling her part of it.

But then, Logan takes the reader past the realities of life to the supernatural limitless power of the Holy and stands there in awe of the One who is ultimately after only one thing in us.  Our heart for Him.

Logan’s story resonates in my own heart.  The seeking and searching out more of God than what had been taught from childhood, the bravery to move past the voices of friends and family into an unknown place that lacked familiarity in traditional spiritual practices. Logan has allowed herself to ask questions of God from a place of curiosity that longed for real, life-giving relationship with God in the real living out of life begging the question of God, “Is there more of you?”

“People take offense and think that the shift in your own walk with God is a commentary of their faith in Him….some even worried that we were walking away from God altogether.” #CuriousFaith
Logan, her husband and two sons have been courageous enough to seek more of God in their lives, finding in the heartache of the loss of infants, the wrestling of two young boys, the presence of life long friends, missing the presence of great friends who passed too young, clinging to God and His purposes even when it did not make sense to do so.  They have found God in the faces of the least and the lost near and far that have needed to know that Grace reaches long and wide to meet us right where we are.

Logan’s story is not my story or yours exactly.  We all have our own story.  Maybe you will see yourself there…or maybe God will reveal Himself to you in a different way.  Together we can celebrate His ways, while curious to us, can be trusted. 

The question is, however, will we seek our own God story with a faith that is curious enough to step out and live in the love of the One who loves us most? Even if danger is all around us, will we trust God for the journey? 

A Must Read!!

*I was given a pre-release copy of Curious Faith as a member of Logan's Launch team for her new book.  I have in no way been endorsed for this book review.  
The thoughts and opinions are my own.  Links to Logan Wolframs website and have been provided for copyright purposes.  

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