TRIALS {30 Days of Thanks}

Canta Design/ photo DeAnna Morris
Day 20:  TRIALS

READ:  James 1:2-12

Webster’s Dictionary describes a Trial as “a test of the quality, value, or usefulness of something”

In Job chapters 1 and 2, Job had no idea that a heavenly conversation had taken place over his life and that all he would endure was a Trial that would prove his life to be of great quality, value and usefulness.  He was blameless and a man of integrity even though he faced horrendous loss and sickness.  

James 1:2 says that we can “count it all joy when (not if) we face trials of many kinds”.  Trials and tests in life will come.  That is a given. However, God intends to prove you a man or woman of integrity and faithfulness to a world that is desperate to know that God is real. 

RESPOND:  What difficulty are you facing in life today? Is it a trial or just a set back?  However you view your current situation and circumstance, remember this:  God intends to prove you are valuable to Him. He is for you.  Trust Him even on your hard days.

The Word Worship Prayer
These are my Roots

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