Slipping and Falling in Love- Part 2

Valentines Date Night, Friday February 17, 1989

Right in the moment of the romantic scene (cue the music) 

I slipped and fell flat on my backside!! 

Mike laughed a little more than I thought appropriate. 

I must have looked ridiculous! How could this happen? I was so embarrassed and flushed with heated neck and face as I realized that my heart had completely leaped with love in this picturesque scene gone wrong for a night of romance. 

The evening had started out so beautifully! Everything all planned by this new love of mine.  

Mike had planned the evening so well. Our very First Valentine’s Day as an officially dating couple, we had opted to double date with another couple. 

Dale G and his date were to meet us at the romantic Satterfield’s Restaurant that was nestled by the creek on a wooded lot near the highway between Kings Mountain and Shelby NC.  The setting was the most romantic thing you could imagine.

Fireplace.  Candle light.  Live Piano. Snow falling in gentle drifts by the waters edge. Me. Mike. And Dale. 

Dale’s date had canceled on him but he came anyway.  

He came anyway! 

By himself.  

For Valentines Dinner.  

With us!!  Yep.  

The scene for a romantic evening for three was kind of strange.  

I remember looking out the window at the snow falling enjoying my candle light steak dinner and thinking, 

“I have no one to talk to.” 

I’m not sure, but I know Mike and Dale talked sports and guy stuff.  Can I say that was an awkward moment?

Slipping and Falling In Love-Our Story- part 1
Slipping and Falling In Love-Our Story-part 3

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